I am not here to tell you how to politically align yourself. Whether you are left or right wing, I don't care. I am here to ask you to play your part! Your grandparents most likely did their bit for the war effort. This could have been anything from growing vegetables to fighting on the front line. You are being asked to sit at home and scroll through Facebook. There is a reason for this. It's so that people like me don't go into hospital.
I require 24-hour care and and cannot do anything for myself. If I was rushed into hospital with the Coronavirus, neither my parents or my carers would be able to join me. I would be stuck, on a bed in the middle of a random hospital with no hope of doing anything. If I had an itch on my head, I wouldn't be able to scratch it. If I was thirsty, I wouldn't be able to to have a drink. If something happened to my breathing, I would have to hope that a nurse had noticed.
I understand that people are severely bored. I truly do! But people need to understand that this is not a trivial thing. It is literally a matter of life and death. I know it's stopping you from seeing your friends or going to the shops without worrying about whether there is toilet paper left, but it's saving my life and many others across the globe.
Saying all of this, I commend those who are staying inside! I thank you for everything that you are doing and I thank you for scrolling through social media. You really might not think it, but the fact that you have just shared a photo of a cute puppy, may have been an action that has saved someone's life!
So tell me in the comments section below, what you have been doing to keep yourself sane!
Stay safe.
Keep on rolling!
Playing euchre on Trickster.